“The Truth Will Set You Free”

The Truth Will Set You Free
Video series by Fr. Jack McGinnis and Barbara Schlemon, R.N.  A Spiritual Program for People Recovering from Codependency and Life’s Losses (13 sessions).
This course is designed to restore purpose to life, encourage self-esteem and promote self-worth.  In a small group setting the emphasis will be on supporting one another as the program progresses while experiencing the grace of a loving God who wants to transform and heal us through His love.

Please call the Prayer Center if you are interested in joining this daytime class.

Developing / Maintaining Healthy Boundaries

Developing / Maintaining Healthy Boundaries View link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUVbMp8KKVs

A six hour video & discussion series from

Drs. Cloud & Townsend facilitated by  Arlene & Dr. Jim DeMar,

Sat., October 21, 2017 (9:30 AM – 4:30 PM).   What are boundaries? Why do I need them?

How do I get others—and myself—to recognize and respect my boundaries? Draw the line……by drawing on God’s wisdom

Learn how to bring new health to your relationships and discover how sound boundaries give you the freedom to walk as the loving, giving, fulfilled individual God created you to be.

Donation: $40 (brown bag lunch)

Phone: (631) 730-6210                           Please register by 10/13/17

Location: St. Joseph’s Prayer Center .

312 Maple Avenue S. of Sunrise Hwy to Roe,