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Boundaries and Twelve-Steps Towards Spirituality
by Drs. Cloud & Townsend
Offered in the Spring & Fall.

 The “Boundaries” workshop consists of an six hour video and discussion series from Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend ( facilitated by Dr. Jim DeMar.  The series is presented on a Friday evening and following Saturday. Topics covered consist of:

    1. What is a Boundary?
    1. Problems and Symptoms
    1. Laws of Boundaries
    1. The Myths about Boundaries
    1. A course of Recovery
    1. Resistances to Boundaries
  1. Boundaries and Yard SticksWhat are boundaries?    Why do I need them?How do I get others—and myself—to recognize and respect my boundaries?Draw the line…

    …by drawing on God’s wisdom

    Learn how to bring new health to your relationships and discover how sound boundaries give you the freedom to walk as the loving, giving, fulfilled individual God created you to be.

Donation: $40     (brown bag lunch)

Phone: (631) 730-6210.   Please register  ASAP  

Location: St. Joseph’s Prayer Center

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