
THE SOCIETY OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE ANDThe History of the St. Joseph’s Prayer Center

To begin, it is important to mention The Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which came about in the late 1990’s.

Fr. James J. Wheeler, S.J., met with a triad of Prayer Center Directors, Sr. Dymphna Murray, R.S.M., New York; Mrs. Maria Esther Barnetche, Mexico, and Mrs. Ginny Antaya, Texas. Through their prayer and discernment, the idea of developing a Society that would be an umbrella under which the present and future prayer centers would be formally united, while keeping their individual names, was borne. The name for the society came from prayer and discernment from all the Directors. The Patron Saint of the Americas was chosen, Our Lady of Guadalupe.

This was a formal acknowledgement of the place our Dear Mother held in the hearts of those ministering, as well as the important part Our Blessed Lady played in inner healing at all the centers.

During one of the annual meetings of all prayer center directors in Mexico City, they went to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. There the lay directors made a vow to follow the vows of Poverty, Chastity and Charity. These vows were to be practiced in the context of each person’s calling along with the recital of a daily rosary. Directors brought back all teachings to their respective centers from these yearly meetings.


Continuing with the History of St. Joseph Prayer Center, it was in the end of the 1960’s and the beginning of 1970’s that Father James J. Wheeler S.J. and Sister Mary Dymphna Murray, R.S.M., following a Charismatic prayer experience, felt called to begin a Ministry of Healing, Prayer, and Spiritual Direction. This ministry was, and still is, a need for the laity involved in the Charismatic Renewal Movement within the church.

Father and Sister’s ministry was first offered at Mercy Center in Rockville Center, NY.  Soon, with an increase of people seeking to be ministered to, more space was needed. St. Joseph Church, Kings Park, NY had an unused convent that Pastor McCormick invited Sister and Father to rent. During their time at St Joseph the formal name for the center was established as “St. Joseph Prayer Center.”

Fr. Jim and Sr. Dymphna resided at the Center, in order to be available for their very active ministry. In time, four more Sisters, each from different orders, came to the Center to pray and learn the ministry and eventually became ministers as well.

In addition to individual ministry there were:

Healing Masses: Many physical and inner healings occurred.

A Couples’ Group and a Women’s group was developed for those who had been ministered to individually. These folks had the desire to continue on with their Spiritual Journey, at the center, and form a community. Each group met once a month and began with a shared meal, followed by praying a scripture, then breaking into smaller groups and ministering to each other. Individual daily prayer was required along with having a Hermit Day once a month at the center. Each meeting ended with celebration of the Eucharist. Fr. Jim and Sr. Dymphna led both groups.

The Truth Will Set You Free: A series of video talks with a work book, given by Father Matthew Linn, S.J. and Father Dennis Linn, S.J. This was offered as a prelude to inner healing and possible entry into school.

School of Spiritual Growth and Inner Healing (SSGIH): In February of 1978, the school was offered for the first time. Many of the folks coming for ministry were hungry for a deeper Spirituality and had a desire to confront their inner wounds in the comforting guidance of The Father, Son & Holy Spirit, walking toward a wholeness in truth and discernment of their vocation and walk with the Lord.  This school was developed by Fr. Jim with the support and organization of Sr. Dymphna. The program taught different types of prayer, encouraged Hermit Days, daily mass and offered abundant scriptures to enable inner healing. A spiritual director or guide, of the participant’s choice was required, along with attending the follow up sessions in smaller group meetings. The school was 2 years in duration and entailed a serious commitment for those attending and still does.

Sr. DymphnaSister Dymphna, in an interview with The Long Island Catholic in March of 1979, when asked about the response to the School for Inner Healing stated, “Response to the school was a movement within the church led by the Holy Spirit.” Sister also commented that, at St Joseph’s Prayer Center, “There were 19 lay men and women ministering and 12 people who answered the phone and prayed with those needing prayer.”

The School for Spiritual Direction (SSD): In the summer of 1979, Fr. Jim received an invite from the Board of Charismatic Renewal in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They had heard of the School of Spiritual Growth and Inner Healing, and requested that Father bring the school to them. Additionally, they wanted Father to teach them how to pray for inner healing and give spiritual direction. Because of this request, the School for Spiritual Direction came about, to specifically train those called to this ministry. This also is a 2 year school. Guest religious and professional speakers taught along with Father Jim and Sister Dymphna. Daily mass was required along with daily prayer, hermit days and having a spiritual director for the journey. There were lists of books to read, materials to study and the last semester of the school was directed to a clinical hands on experience at the center.

The fruit from these schools brought about the opening of other prayer centers in various parts of the world. They are now in Austin, Texas; Manor, Texas; Las Cruces, New Mexico, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico; Olivar de los Padres, Mexico; Puebla, Mexico; Chihuahua, Mexico; Barcelona, Spain; Heredia, Costa Rica; and Queretaro, Mexico.

Co-Dependence was a series of weekend workshops open to all. The ministers as well as those receiving inner healing ministry attended.

There were ongoing days of reflection, retreats, and groups meeting at the center to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Divine Will.

Ancestral Healing Masses were offered and a Liturgy for Children. In fact, all the activities at the center ended in Eucharistic Celebration.

While Fr. Jim was in Albuquerque, New Mexico, as stated above, he had arranged for Father Richard Rozette S.J., to stay at the center filling the vacancy of a needed priest. Fr. Rozette was a wonderful presence at St. Joseph Prayer Center. Sadly, after a few years, Fr. Dick passed away. He was greatly missed.

Fr. Jim returned to the center and he and Sr. Dymphna prayed about having an assistant for Sister Dymphna. Both agreed on inviting one of the lay ministers at the center, Suzanne Reilly. Mrs. Reilly and her husband attended the schools, led the Couples Group while Fr. Jim was away and their 8 children enjoyed the Children’s Liturgy. The Reilly’s first encounter at St. Joseph was in 1973 when they had gone to receive inner healing. Additionally, Father and Sister were notified during this same time period, that the Convent at St. Joseph Church was needed for parish activities.

Within a month Father and Sister found another convent available to rent. St. Joseph’s Prayer Center was invited by Pastor Fr. Bruce Powers to rent the unused convent at St. Elizabeth of Hungry Church, Wolf Hill Rd. Melville, NY. While preparing for the move, Sister Dymphna fell and injured herself and went to recuperate in Brooklyn, NY at the Sisters of Mercy Mother House. After the move Sister returned to St. Joseph’s Prayer Center at Wolf Hill. After almost 2 years Sister needed additional surgery and returned to live at the Mother House in Brooklyn. Sr. offered her availability to continue to pray with others, as well as giving her support to Mrs. Reilly. Sister Mary Dymphna Murray, R.S.M., has gone to her rest. She was, and will remain, the Spiritual Mother of St. Joseph Prayer Center along with her teachings and prayers.

Once again we were told we had to move because the convent was needed for parish use at St. Elizabeth Church. All furniture, books, tapes, papers etc. were placed in storage. The Director, Mrs. Reilly and her Assistant Grace Ianuzzi and the Core group of the center continued to meet and pray for discernment. The School for Inner Healing was in its second year when the Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi in Greenlawn, Long Island, New York, invited the school to finish the second year there. Healing Masses were offered at Greenlawn as well.

Nine months pass, and an anonymous donor offered a large sum of money to purchase a home for St. Joseph’s Prayer Center. The director and assistant found a house at 312 Maple Ave., Patchogue, NY.  This remains the current location of the original Prayer Center. There were many dedicated ministers and friends who helped, not only in the move, but also worked diligently in attaining a non-profit status for the Center and established the Center as a Corporation. A Board of Directors formed:   Fr. James J. Wheeler, S.J. was President; Mrs. Grace Ianuzzi, Vice President and Sister Mary Dymphna Murray R.S.M. were Secretary.

When Mrs. Reilly moved out of state in 2001, Mrs. Ruth Lescowicz took over the position of Director, along with Mrs. Grace Ianuzzi. After a couple of years she was followed by Craig Nurenberg , succeeded by Mrs. Louise Kramer, and Mrs. Linda Dudley.  The current Director of St Joseph’s Prayer Center is Mrs. Toni Homerick.  The Board of Directors are : President, Mrs. Rosemarie Fava, Secretary, Mrs. Louise Kramer, Trustees, Deacon Marty McIndoe, Mrs. Carolyn Felten, Mrs. Toni Homerick, Treasurer , Mrs. Anita Lucari, and Ms. Laura Endres.

Pope Francis said “The Charismatic Renewal within the church is likened to a field hospital.” The prayer centers might be thought of as a part of the Triage Unit within that hospital, bringing the wounded to the healing waters of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The fruit of the centers is bringing all participants into a deeper consciousness of who the Father has created each of us to be so that we may be free to Love as He has asked us to love, and to answer His call.