School for Spiritual Growth and Inner Healing

The purpose of the School of Spiritual Growth and Inner Healing is to establish Christ as the central relationship in our lives. We commit ourselves to Him in the deepest union, the closest companionship, and deepest service.

The program helps us to recognize and effectively deal with any blockages, wounded relationships or internal paralysis in our lives so that we may enter into the full gift of ourselves to God and to one another.

Group of students from the 2010 class.
Group of students from a class.


It allows us to experience the spiritual formation and inner healing necessary on the deepest levels, both psychologically and spiritually for a balanced, strong spiritual development.

During this course we allow the Lord to form bonds of Christian community at the deepest levels of friendship, mutual support, healing and the strengthening of all areas of the Body of Christ.

A firm foundation will be substantiated to those who eventually desire to minister to others as a Spiritual Director.

The School of Spiritual Growth and Inner Healing is a two-year course, which breaks up into four semesters of 14 weeks each. The meetings are bi weekly and are usually two hours in duration. During the two weeks between meetings a workbook and CD are provided for study and prayer on a daily basis, which will then be discussed and shared at the following meeting.

It is suggested that a relationship with Our Lord has already been established before attempting this program. We will meet with you to determine if you feel that you are at a point in your life to begin the School at this time.

Please pray and reflect to discern if you feel ready to begin this wonderful turning point in your life.

Online Payment for School for Spiritual Growth and Inner Healing
Semester ($125 each)
Which Semester are you in:

SSGIH Graduating Class May 2024